Making an impact is at the heart of who we are at Berrada Properties.

JUNE 2024
Tune Up Your Health with Berrada Properties
June is Tune Up your Health with Berrada Properties. Do you have questions about medications, health concerns or do you need an exam? Berrada Properties has partnered with City On A Hill to bring Health clinics to our community. City On A Hill will be providing health screenings, stress management, and preventive measures to the Berrada Community. On Tuesdays in June (June 4, 11, 18, 25) we are offering cancer screening, doctor visits, blood pressure tests and education on how to stay healthy. Come join us and be eligible for a free gift. Refreshments will be served, and bus tickets given as needed. You must call LaTrice Luckett at 414-931-6670 or Archie Blunt 414-386-8304 to sign up. Space is limited. These health clinics with be at the Berrada Learning Center at 7600 W Dean Rd from 2pm-3pm on each Tuesday in June.
Gingerbread Land Inc.

On behalf of Gingerbread Land Inc, and it's founder Sister Clara and president Touissaint Harris; we would like to thank Joe Berrada for the financial contributions on the complete removal and renewal of the roof of our main Gingerbread House located at 2633 N. 1st Street, Milwaukee, WI, 53212. We appreciate your continued contributions of restoring, rebuilding, and revitalizing our community. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.